Better Results

When using us for management of your Pay-Per-Click campaigns, you will see a key metric called CPA - cost per acquisition. This is simply the amount you spent on advertising divided by the quantity of orders you received.

If you are currently running Pay-Per-Click advertising, we seek to justify our involvement and fees by lowering your costs and improving your order volume. More orders for the same< marketing dollars!

After optimizing, we are able to eliminate tire-kickers - people who come to your site with no intention to buy. We take the money that we were spending on tire-kickers and funnel it into people who we discovered who actually buy from your site.

Example: More Orders From The Same Ad Budget

  • Week 1 results: $1000 spent on everybody, $12 CPA and 83 orders
  • After reviewing week 1 data, we start to discover who are Tire-kickers!
  • Week 2 results: $300 spent on Tire-kickers and $700 spent on people who buy - $7 CPA and 143 orders.
  • Week 3 results: $0 spent on Tire-kickers and $1000 spent on people who buy -$4 CPA and 250 orders.

In summary, after optimization, we lowered average CPA from $12 to $4 and received 167 more orders for the same ad budget.

(This is a simplistic example and optimization takes longer than a few weeks.)

To understand further, if your campaigns have not been fine-tuned, do you think your company will truly get the same results as a company who has tested and learned from their results?

With a simplistic campaign that has not been heavily optimized, you can burn through your campaign budget fast, with not enough real sales dollars to show your campaigns are worthwhile.

If you are currently running Pay-Per-Click advertising, we seek to justify our involvement and fees by lowering your costs and improving your order volume. More orders for the same marketing dollars and allow you to focus your time on other work!